Live and Online Support for Women Desiring a Future Free of the Hurt from Childhood Sexual Abuse

​Always in search of ways to help women heal from childhood sexual trauma, Sharon wrote UNDONE to fill a void in the church—help for Christian women in search of healing from childhood sexual abuse.

UNDONE is an experiential, scripture-based, small group curriculum focused on addressing the impact of childhood sexual abuse (CSA), and how to effectively and practically resolve its repercussions. Each of the 12 weeks is framed in the belief that the participant can move forward with joy and eager anticipation of the future God has for her.

Topics covered include:

  • Understanding the impact of CSA
  • Identifying triggers and how to manage them
  • Forgiveness—what it is and what it isn’t
  • Relationship with God
  • Vows & Judgments and how to let them go
  • Trust Issues
  • The greatest hinderances to healing
  • Healthy Love
  • Reclaiming Joy
  • Unhealthy Relationship Patterns and How to Establish Healthy Ones

Leaders use practical and hands-on exercises including, creative writing, art, play, as well as, the strength of a shared experience, and the truth of scripture to heal and move forward free of anger, sadness, bitterness, judgment, un-forgiveness and self-defeat.

If you are interested in attending one of our in-person or online sessions or have more questions about the group, please, fill out our contact form and we will get back to you right away.


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COST: $300

Cost Includes workbook and all materials for 12-week, interactive learning experience.

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